We can take care of your farms spreading needs, on time, efficiently and on budget.
Our Fertiliser Spreading services provide you with the Urea/Osflo and Lime you require.
A member of Kalin Contracting will meet with you to discuss your farm’s fertilising needs.
We use the TracMap programme which enables us to map out your farm, identify hazards and waterways. We can work out a plan of how and when you want your paddocks fertilised.
A quick check with you at the time of application ensures that there is no miscommunication.
An order is placed with a fertilising company, we can arrange for the product to be delivered to your farm or we can collect on the day in our Sam Spreader.
A combination of our Sam Spreader and TracMap technology ensures that the correct rate of fertiliser is applied to your land and a record is kept and provided to you.
A detailed map of your land showing the paddocks fertilised along with the fertilising product details and amount used is sent to you at the completion of the job.
We can effectively and efficiently apply fertiliser for you.
Our Process
Our Machinery
- 6 tonne Sam Combi Spreader
What you can Expect
We pride ourselves on accurately spreading your fertiliser efficiently without making a mess in your paddock.
We operate Trac Map GPS for compliance assurance.
We learn and understand your farm to ensure we are maximising the returns by reducing overlapping and applying precision spreading.